Well, in just a few short days I'll finally get to see my parents again and also have a chance to experience the United Kingdom.
I finally decided to add England, Scotland and Wales flags on here, the excitement was just too strong to not add them! HA!
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer so far. I am doing well, I made it through the monsoon season here and it seems like REAL SUMMER is finally here, hot, hot and more hot. So, it'll be nice to get away to England and enjoy those high 60s temperatures for a few days.
Not much going on here lately, I've been trying to save all my schillings for the trip, so just been doing some hiking, cleaning, re-cleaning and re-re-cleaning (I have OCD you know) so pretty exciting stuff. Along with those things I also counted up all my coins I've saved and had around $49.00 Now all I need is to obtain 37 cats and I can officially be an old person! HA! No, actually I've really enjoyed just relaxing on the weekends, and I really have been doing some hiking and reading (both free, and both nice). In addition to that I've been trying to get some fun places lined up to go and I hope all of them are as cool as they've been in the books I've read or the websites I've seen.
If you'd like to track our trip, I decided to insert a GPS chip into my forehead and you can track us at the website I set up:
The chip will be activated the second I set foot on UK soil.
If you'd like to hear our conversations, on that website you can also click on the link "listen to all of Ben's babble" and that should take you to live conversations. The cost is just a mere $35 to add that option.
Anyway, to say I'm excited would be a major understatement. It was fun I talked to Mom and Dad tonight and was able to say "See you Friday!" which was just a very cool thought.
"There are none happy in the world but beings who enjoy freely a vast horizon"