Sunday 3 April 2011

Another post...

I tried to come up with a somewhat clever and catchy title for this post, maybe I just haven't had enough calcium the last while and it's somehow effecting my brain. So, I thought maybe the lack of a catchy and clever title could somehow be clever. I was thinking on my walk to school the other day...the reason I seldom post these days is because I don't really do as much as I once did. Things that were once fascinating to me, are still cool...but not near as exciting as they once were. My camera has pretty much been stowed away and I don't get out as much as I did when I first came here...but that doesn't mean my brain has stopped working and I can't share my awesome and interesting thoughts and perspectives with you, my lucky readers! HA!
MLB kicked off this weekend, I've been really happy for the start of the year, I know a lot of people feel baseball is "boring" or "antiquated" but I think that couldn't be further from the truth. I have always loved baseball, I wish I would have been better as a kid, I wasn't bad, but I could just never excel. I remember I got hit once or twice when I was a kid and I think it always made me gun shy, but I purchased the MLB Ticket so that I can see all the Rockies games in their entirety. I'm pretty excited, it has severely interrupted my sleep schedule, but what could be better than seeing Ubaldo on the mound in Denver at 5 AM local time?! HA! Unfortunately the Rocks lost game one, but came back and won game two, so...2 games down, 160 to go! I doubt I'll be able to watch every game, but I like feeling connected.
I've recently also been watching some crime TV shows, I have around 150 channels and about 5 or 6 in full time English (other channels have some Korean shows, some English speaking...I don't count Star Sports as an "English" channel, with that dreadful Aussie accent I think I can understand more on the Korean channels). Anyway, one of those channels shows pretty much every silly crime show there is" CSI, Criminal Minds, Without a Trace, etc.
I enjoy trying to solve the mysteries as much as the next guy but I noticed a troubling trend on my previously favorite show Criminal Minds. I've noticed that solving a crime on that show is just too easy. There is a computer guru techie geek named Garcia. She's the flamboyant, goofball (every show has to have at least one, right?). Well, I've noticed over time that her computer seeking skills far exceed any that I have been able to acquire in my 13+ years of internet usage. The team can be investigating a crime, find a used coffee cup, talk to some people in town who saw a red truck driven by a dude wearing a flannel shirt. So, the other FBI agents can call Garcia from the road in let's say Elk City, Oklahoma,(she stays put in Quantico at FBI Headquarters) and tell her to track all males who have bought a flannel shirt at the Elk City Wal-Mart. She finds just over 52 flannel shirt sales since 2010. Then she is able to narrow her search using those 52 names and searching which of them own a red truck. That search is then narrowed to 14. From there, all she has to do is search who likes coffee from Joe's Java Joint (the name of the coffee shop listed on the previously mentioned cup). The search is then narrowed to just 2 people. She e-mails pictures of the two guys, the others go to Joe's Java Joint where they show the pics and a 17 year old pimple faced part time high school student identifies the killer. Magic! Viola! I mean, is it really that easy to be in the FBI? So, I've slowly started losing interest and I want the other agents to solve a crime without the help of the Magic Internet.
OK, that was pretty random, but it's something I've been thinking a lot about on my 25 minute trek to my school each day.
Spring is finally starting to show signs of life...I'm more than ready to accept it with open arms. Not only can I save on my gas bill (yes, I'm a cheap skate) but I can also actually sit outside and just enjoy myself (well, as long as the radiation from Japan doesn't float too far west!).
I'm hoping to go to a famous botanical garden here this spring. True story (not sure if I told you all this before) but last year I e-mailed my favorite professor from Pfeiffer University (my alma mater) from which I am an alumnus. Actually, before I go on with my story I have to say, that was one thing that used to irritate me back in the States, seeing a bumper sticker that read "Redneck County Community College Alumni". Alumni is plural, so if both parties that owned the car went to school at RCCC, then the bumper sticker is correct, otherwise it should read "Redneck County Community College Alumnus (or alumnae)" But anyway. OK, so I emailed my favorite professor Mr Ingram just to rub in a little after Duke won the championship this time last year (he's a UNC guy). So, I told him I was living in Korea and he told me that his wife's uncle actually started one of the biggest and most well know botanical gardens in Korea back in the 1950s. He had come here after the Korean war and loved living here, so stayed and bought some land and started Chollipo Botanic Garden. So, apparently he lived here until his death in 2002 and actually became a naturalized citizen of Korea. So, I'm hopeful I can make it that way this spring and get some pics!
Anyway, enough of my post for today. I will try harder to at least post something even if it doesn't involve a fun trip or beautiful pictures.


Rebecca said...

You crack me up! I love all your posts. Random or not! haha! That botanical garden sounds awesome. And I, too, am waiting with open arms for spring. I'll even take the flies that come with it, I just want some sunshine!

Deborah said...

I love it when there's a new post from you, I enjoy reading about what's going on in your life. You write very descriptively!

blh said...

Hope you get to go to the botanical gardens and that you take your camera. We went on their site. It looks really neat! I like baseball but 160 games is way too many for me!