Saturday 26 November 2011

New ACE sign

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you've been able to digest all that turkey! HAHA!

My school (well, mine and Dana's) has been in business just over two years now (since August 2009)...I feel pretty proud that we've at least made it this far. Some days I wonder how I was blessed to have an opportunity like this to live abroad, own my own business, and make decent money doing it. We've faced some challenges along the way of course but also seen lots of triumphs. I feel lucky that almost all of our kids are super cool and pretty enthusiastic about learning English. Some are able to learn quicker than others, but like everything in life, some things you have the knack for and some things you don't. Some of my kids I feel could honestly almost go to the States and function in an American school, they really are that good. Some are struggling and try their best, but it just takes longer for some kids. Anyway, when we first started we had three kids, and of course had no idea what might lie ahead. We didn't have much money, and so our first school sign was pretty cheap and we had no idea what kind of design to make. As I said, with the sign being cheap, it wasn't even a lit sign, just visible during the day. Well, we've had a few new schools move into the area (the school below us teaches Chinese mainly, but also focuses on English and Japanese) and one of them (as much as I hate to say it) has a very nice, LCD sign. So, Dana and I decided it was time to get a new sign and make ourselves (once again! HAHA) the best school in the area. We are lucky in the fact that we have the only school with a foreign teacher for everyday lessons. We felt like our previous sign didn't really do that justice, so we decided to go a little overboard on the American theme, letting people know exactly what they're getting if their kids study with us.
We started with some ideas, but Dana's friend is a designer and so we put some ideas together and then sent them off to her. She sent back a wonderful design (I think) and we decided to roll with it. We both really like having the Statue of Liberty as our logo, and we're hoping when people see that they automatically think of Ace! So, we'll see how it goes. Also, this sign will be much nicer and also with lights, so visible at night. A little more than this miser would like to spend, but I think it's time for a new sign, and very necessary.
So...anyway, this is just the photoshopped version, we have a few minor changes, but this is about 95% what it will look like.
So, what do you honest and let me know any feedback any of you might have before we make this final!


blh said...

The sign is cool. I used to hear people say it takes money to make money so hopefully the amount you invest on the sign will be worth it to you. Happy for the success you are having so far!
Love you!

Tanya said...

I like it- the Statue of Liberty, flag and how you incorporated the red, white and blue colors. As a side note, what does it say? :)

Rebecca said...

I love it! It looks great!!! Best school on the block, for sure!

Ben said...

HA...yeah, sorry, here's what the sign basically says.
In between the Statue and our name is says:
미국인 which means "American"
명품 which means luxury, or very nice
영어 which means English

Then below is says:
매일 which is everyday
수업 which is lesson

Then our name is ACE 어학원 which is Language Institute.

I forgot to type that earlier...I hope you can see the Korean on your computer!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised, and a little disappointed (lol just kiddin) that there isn't a single sports reference on the sign.

Darrell said...

Looks good Ben. I noticed my name isn't anywhere on the sign though. That's the only change I'd recommend making.