Sunday, 24 June 2012


Hey, I hope everyone is doing well and having a great week. I know it's been a LOOOOOONG time since I've posted anything. I've been busy with Dana working on our school website recently and seem to have little free time these days. Also, we're trying to get my friend Zablon here to the school to help teach this next year. I'm pretty excited about that, it'll be fun on a personal level as he's a very cool guy and also it will be nice on a professional level to have a friend and another solid teacher at the school.
Also, I'm really excited to announce that on July 28th I'll be heading to Ulan Bator, Mongolia for my summer vacation. I've always been intrigued by Mongolia, it's beauty and the wide open spaces there. The countryside there looks amazing and I've got a horse trip, camel trip and jeep trip all planned. Zablon is hoping to get here in time to join me, I hope he can as I think it would be more fun to go with a buddy. I'm HOPING to get a new camera before I go...the one I have my eye on is a little expensive (around $500) but takes great pics and I read that the video recording on it in amazing. Anyway, I will keep you all updated and of course post as many pics as possible when I return.
Honestly, I haven't really done that much besides work and then just relax and take it easy on the weekends. I hate to say that not much exciting has happened lately, but unfortunately it's the truth! HA!
I was saddened to hear last week of the passing of my Dad's oldest brother, my uncle Grant Holyoak. I didn't grow up near him (they lived in AZ and I grew up in CO) but I have very fond memories of my trips there to Kingman during summer or spring breaks. I remember he was always a jovial man and was always very kind to me when I would visit. I remember one time when we went to visit he gave me and my cousin a whole wad of money (not sure how much, but as a teenager I remember it seemed like a lot!) and told us to go to the store and buy some steaks, corn and potatoes for everyone so we could have a great meal. He loved to tell jokes and I remember sitting in their house and I can still hear his laugh, he'd tell joke after joke after joke. Anyway, I will miss him and I just wanted to share my thoughts about him and my thankfulness of having a kind and fun uncle like him.
As always, I like to share thoughts, poems, quotes with you and wanted to share this one tonight.


Look to this day
For it is life, the very life of life
In it's brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence

The bliss of growth
The glory of action
The splendor of beauty
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow only a vision
But today well lived makes every yesterday
A dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope

Look well, therefore, to this day!
Such is the salutation of the dawn


Jenny Thi said...

I'm happy to see yr post again....and sooo sorry about yr uncle...! :(

Anonymous said...

Glad to see your alive. :) Hope all is going well and you enjoy your vacation. Merlin

Becca said...

Boy I'm slacking!

I'm excited for your trip...that's gonna be fun. And get the camera. You'll wish you did if you don't!

Grant was a fun uncle. I remember many a march madness hanging out in his big old Lazy Boy.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hope your trip is all you expect it to be. Look forward to the pictures you will be posting! Great quote!
Love you!

Becca said...

So the feed on my blog shows a new post...where is it? haha!

Ben said...

HA, yeah, sorry Becca. I tried to start the other night and it just seemed like it wasn't good...I will try and do that now!